Sunflowers at Sunset
July 26, 2025
Griswold, CT
Walk amongst the sunflowers and stay for the sunset for this once-a-year bloom at Buttonwood Farm
Buttonwood Farm is home to one of the largest sunflower bloom in New England. There are approximately 14 acres of sunflowers providing an abundance of photographic opportunities. A walk through a sunflower field will give you a chance to get your close up shots while exploring the outskirts you find many other interesting vantage point to shoot from. The sunset over the largest field is sure to be the highlight but you may also stay after sunset to try out some long exposures.
The peak of the bloom can change year-to-year. The date for this workshop was chosen on year’s past, but due to the unpredictability of nature, we may need to move the workshop date to a week later.
What You’ll Learn
Proper exposure
Depth of field
Long exposures
Macro Techniques
Focusing Techniques
Recommended Equipment
DSLR or mirrorless camera
Wide angle lens
Standard zoom lens
Macro lens if you have one
Reverse graduated ND if you have one
Physical Difficulty
Easy flat ground surfaces. Possibility of muddy conditions.
Meeting Details
We will meet in the dirt parking lot on Glasgo Rd (Route 201).