Check your fitness

Our photo tours and experiences range in their physical demands and pacing. Please use this rough guide to check your fitness and physical ability before attending one of our photo tours.

  • All of the photography locations are within several hundred yards of the parking area. Terrain is typically level and smooth but can be uneven, and the walks up or downhill have minimal elevation change.

    You are able to:

    • Stay out for three hours, standing, walking, and moving your gear to each location.

    • Climb a flight of stairs on your own.

    • Walk on uneven ground and wet slippery surfaces without assistance.

  • Most photography locations are within several hundred yards of the parking area, but you may occasionally have to walk up to 1-2 miles or more over ground that may be uneven at times, and with some elevation gain. There may be ice, snow, rain, puddles, or sand. Sturdy, waterproof hiking boots or shoes are recommended.

    You are able to:

    • Walk for extended periods, carrying your gear.

    • Participate in 3-4 photo shoots per day, each lasting from one to two hours, with possible additional stops in between.

    • Climb over small obstacles (like a log on a trail).

    • Climb and descend several flights of stairs on your own.

    • Walk through deep sand or snow if necessary.

    • Shoot in light rain or snow.

    • Tolerate a range of temperatures from 30s to 80s Fahrenheit.

    • Hike on uneven terrain that may require balance adjustments, and a combination of large and small strides. 

    • Use your camera equipment at ground level, and then stand back up without assistance.

    • Wake up before dawn once or twice per week to head out on a shoot

    • Stay out late for a night shoot, or possibly wake up in the middle of the night, once or twice per week.

    • Eat meals at unconventional hours if the shooting schedule (based on sunrise and sunset times) requires this. 

  • Some strenuous hikes of several miles, often with elevation gain of several hundred feet, uneven ground, and/or deep sand. There can be locations where you are required to stand in water, on slippery rocks or other unstable ground for an extended period. May require hiking at higher elevations, or extreme heat or cold. Sturdy, waterproof hiking boots or shoes and rain gear are required, and secondary footwear such as rubber boots may also be mandatory. 

    You are able to:

    • Do everything in the “Moderate” category, plus:

    • Shoot in moderate rain or snow.

    • Hike at high elevation for several miles with your backpack.

    • Stand in water for an hour while wearing rubber boots or water sandals

    • Hike several miles on each day of the workshop/tour

    • Wake up before dawn, stay out past sunset, and do a night shoot all in one day if necessary (not more than once in a weeklong workshop/tour)