Return to the Lowcountry
2022 and we are back babyyy! We ran our first tour of the year to Charleston & Savannah for azalea season - a trip we’ve had planned for years. It was so exciting to finally bring some of our best photographer clients to this incredible little corner of our country. Paul and I had visited a few times in the past, so it felt right to finally get to share some of our favorite shooting locations. Much has changed since our last visit, but here are some highlights.
© Allie Richards
This trip was unique for us, as we actually ran two tours back to back. We had two groups of photographers, one beginning in Charleston and ending in Savannah, and then the same trip but in reverse. Our first stop with group 1 was The Angel Oak, a mighty Live Oak with a towering canopy. I came to this spot knowing I would try to make a proper panorama and I think I succeeded!
A favorite of both groups was exploring downtown Charleston and Rainbow Row. Everything here is just so colorful and beautiful, with pastel colors, cobblestone and wrought iron. The lifestyle photo opportunities abound. We all took a whole bunch of shots of doors and windows.
© Allie Richards
The south is especially known for its haunting trees and Spanish Moss. If you can capture them in the right light - they make for magical photos. We got lucky one morning to find the trees enshrouded in fog at one of our stops.
© Allie Richards
© Allie Richards
This site is located within a wildlife refuge and was a real hit at sunrise.
© Paul Nguyen
Another favorite stop was Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, one of the largest remaining romantic gardens in the United States. They’ve done a lot to educate the public about history and the grounds there, and I think is a photography must-see. The flowers this year were not as impressive as years past, but still beautiful. If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the resident peacocks perking up their feathers.
© Allie Richards
Another anticipated location was a boneyard beach, where the Live Oaks have become victims of erosion. It seems photographers were flocking here, as there are not many trees left upstanding. They will not be around much longer given recent weather patterns of storms and hurricanes. Running both our groups, we saw it at both high and low tide, and unfortunately, there is no beach left to walk at the highest of tides. If you visit the south, make sure to visit these trees before they’re gone for good.
© Paul Nguyen
© Paul Nguyen
As instructors visiting the same locations, one way to make them interesting again is to try something completely new. Paul has been bringing along his infrared camera to re-shoot familiar scenes and interpret them in a whole different way. This tree in the middle of a swamp, swaying in the wind, made for a beautiful shot in this style. Something for you to try!
Below are some lifestyle shots of our travelers having fun during our trip. We hope you can join us too!